Understanding Time Series Modelling and Forecasting, Part 2

time series modelling and forecasting arima

As promised, this is the second post on my two part blog series on time series modelling and forecasting. In my first blog post I discussed the basics of time series analysis and gave a theoretical overview. In case you missed it you can find it here - Understanding Time Series Modelling and Forecasting, Part 1 … Continue reading Understanding Time Series Modelling and Forecasting, Part 2

Understanding Time Series Modelling and Forecasting – Part 1

Time series modelling ARIMA

Time series forecasting is extensively used in numerous practical fields such as business, economics, finance, science and engineering. The main aim of a time series analysis is to forecast future values of a variable using its past values. In this post, I will give you a detailed introduction to time series modelling. This would be the… Continue reading Understanding Time Series Modelling and Forecasting – Part 1

Bootstrapping – A Powerful Resampling Method in Statistics

We are often interested in population parameters. For example, the mean salary of all adults in a country. But collecting data of the entire population is almost always infeasible. Therefore, we use samples of the population to get a point estimate of our parameter of interest. But, what is the 95% confidence interval of your… Continue reading Bootstrapping – A Powerful Resampling Method in Statistics